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There are thousands of images in internet that you can use for adiWidget™. Few things that you need to do are:
1. Find the images that you like
2. Get the image location [use right click mouse and click on properties]
3. Generate the adiWidget™ Code here: http://adiwidget.blogspot.com/2008/10/adiwidget-code-generator.html

The following are the sources of images that you might like to use: http://www.big-boards.com/smileys.php
This one is cute for your shoutbox but too small for adiWidget™


DB Update IconRecycle Bin Silver Empty IconInvasion IconPublic IconMonitor IconMoney IconMasterchief IconPrinter Delete Icon

Mp3 Purple Icon
Apple Bag IconDVD in glass IconDVD Gray IconiPod Blue IconAustria Flag IconPepper 7 IconBinoculars Search Icon
Blank Blue IconBlogMarks IconChapelles Show IconZoom out magnifier IconDevil offline IconNFL Football IconRebuild IconMan vs Wild Icon
Volume Pressed Icon
Cell IconHaha IconBallon RSS Feed Add IconFile Insert IconBluetooth IconNote delete IconEmails Insert Icon

You can also use these icons as a widget too Haha Icon


Sample images:


Tambahkan Emoticon Berikut Ini Ke Dalam Komentar Anda. Caranya Cukup Dengan Mengetik Kode Yang Berwarna Biru Di Samping Kanan Emoticon Tersebut.Ingin pasang emoticon ONION HEAD di kotak komentar blog anda ?Klik disini.

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