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Launching blog "Tutorial Blog"
Hari ini (tanggal berapa sih?),saya telah melaunching blog baru saya yang bertajuk "Blog tutorial".Blog tersebut hanya berisi Tutorial Blog (Blogspot ataupun Wordpress).Insyaallah saya akan mengisi blog tersebut dengan tutorial tutorial keren dan bermanfaat untuk blog anda.Untuk blog itu,saya belum menemukan template yang tepat.Untuk itu saya butuh template para bloggers sekalian,bisa template sendiri atau template orang lain.Ok,saya rasa cukup,sekali lagi,saya butuh saran template mana yang bagus untuk Blog tutorial dengan cara mengisi form dibawah ini.
Jangan lupa mampir ke Blog tutorial ya.
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butuh saran :15
Blog dek Reza | Tutorial blog
keren bos,,,,, :13
tp ada kolom yg terlihat separoh tuh,, dibenahin biar tmbh seeppp :17
:89 keren sob
:18 ok selamat atas blog barunya semoga bermanfaat
What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.
Interesting. Your instructions look clear but I'm not very good at this so I hope this will work well for me. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks for sharing. I hope it will be helpful to many people that are searching for this topic. Keep posting guys and keep this forum a great place to learn things.
I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.
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